Silver Jubilee Marriage Anniversary Wishes In Telugu. Some people celebrate silver jubilee which marks 25 years of a successful marriage life while some that are fortunate or privileged to be together for 50 years celebrate golden jubilee which signify 50 years of a successful marriage life others celebrate anytime they feel like celebrating but whichever time you want to celebrate it must be. Cheers to your lovely relation.
A journey of 25 years requires patience sacrifice and compromise which must be cherished and appreciated by everyone. The 25th wedding anniversary is also called as the silver birthday or the silver jubilee for the reason that according to the belief in many nations you should present gifts to the wedding partners made from silver. Quotes about love that s meant to be sweet wishes and cute greeting cards that make everyone go aww all this and a lot more are the order of the day when a couple completes twenty five years of being married to each other.
We are so grateful to you for giving us a happy family.
Silver jubilee wedding anniversary quotes 25th anniversary wishes. My heartiest congratulations on your silver jubilee. So we bring you this momjunction post with a compilation of 164 wedding anniversary wishes for parents. We have short and sweet messages funny wishes and some special wishes to mark their 25th 50th and 60th year milestones.